
ASHLAND, Ky. – Born of humble parents on the plant of Krypton, Brian Taylor had to overcome many struggles.

His life would change dramatically when, to free him of his struggles, his parents put him on a spacecraft bound for earth. He arrived in our community with nothing but his red cape.

He quickly developed a love for earth food and his weight got up to 350 pounds. At that point, just getting up and going to the bathroom would be somewhat of a challenge.

A 5k would have been difficult and a marathon wouldn’t even be possible. But you see, nothing is impossible for God! Through faith in Him, big changes occurred in Brian’s life, including a significant weight loss!

Now Brian is now looking at fulfilling a life goal of running a marathon.

As the assistant pastor at Ironton Church of the Nazarene, faith has always been very important to Brian. When he found out he could not only fulfill his goal but help take the gospel to the people of Uganda by joining Team AFA he jumped at the chance! His wife, Marta, and son, Landon, are very supportive and will be doing some running as well through training events with him.

He is very excited to join up with AFA in making Disney World a mission field for Christ in their January 2015 Marathon!!