AFA has own form of March Madness
ASHLAND, Ky. - Amy For Africa has its own version of March Madness coming up. The nonprofit organization has 14 speaking engagements scheduled for the month of March, including Sunday services every week of the month. They will also be sponsoring a 5K on March 21 in Greenup City Park. [...]
Civic clubs pitching in with AFA
Amy with Jay Whitlatch, Rotary president. Amy speaking at Rotary Club. Amy speaking at Rotary Club. ASHLAND, Ky. - Ashland Rotary Club is the latest civic club to donate to the Amy For Africa / Samaritan's Shoe project. Rotary Club president Jay Whitlatch presented [...]
Schools, FCA groups involved with AFA shoe cause
Amy with the Russell High School baseball team that helped raise $853. BELOW: Ruthie and John Lynd of Russell FCA. ASHLAND, Ky. - On the coldest day on record, the Russell High School Fellowship of Christian Athletics (FCA) warmed the hearts of Amy For Africa on Feb. 20. [...]
What snowstorm? Amy braves elements in training
ASHLAND, Ky. - You want dedication? How about 20 miles in the freezing cold and snow? That was Amy Compston's path on Monday when an all-day snowstorm, combined with sub-freezing temperatures, made for some tough sledding. But it didn't stop this elite marathon runner and the face behind the Amy [...]
Team AFA sending 11 to Moyo in May
ASHLAND, Ky. - The 11-member Amy For Africa Team that will be traveling to Moyo, Uganda in May for the Samaritan's Feet shoe project is set. AFA co-founders Amy Compston and Mark Maynard will lead the team along with Floyd Paris, the president of United Christian Expeditions (UCE). The trip [...]
Samaritan’s Feet Shoes of Hope 5K set March 21
GREENUP, Ky. - The Samaritan's Feet Shoes of Hope 5K will be March 21 at the Greenup Community Park. The mostly flat course that runs along the Ohio River will be a good eye-opener for new and veteran runners alike who are rounding into shape for the running season. Registration [...]