Amy with the Russell High School baseball team that helped raise $853. BELOW: Ruthie and John Lynd of Russell FCA.
ASHLAND, Ky. – On the coldest day on record, the Russell High School Fellowship of Christian Athletics (FCA) warmed the hearts of Amy For Africa on Feb. 20.
The Russell FCA and the Russell High School baseball team gave AFA a donation of $853 for the Samaritan’s Feet shoe project. That means more than 450 pairs of shoes for children in Moyo, Uganda. AFA has an 11-member team going to Moyo in May.
Ruthie Lynd, a supporter of Amy For Africa since its inception, pledged $400 from the Russell FCA when the shoe campaign began. With the help of some dedicated baseball players and their coach Mike Martino, that pledge was more than doubled. Russell’s baseball team sold candy grams at the high school and the school community reached deep to support this cause.
Russell is the latest school to become involved in AFA’s campaign. Fairview elementary’s third-grade class of Missy Murray has raised more than $400, Star Elementary in Grayson gave $155, the Ashland middle school athletic department and wrestling team gave a sizable donation, Boyd County Middle School has a project currently in action and the Ashland and Boyd County high school girls basketball teams helped raise more than $2,500 in one night when the coaches from both teams went barefoot for a night.
Also, Dawson Bryant High School in Coal Grove has a group of students raising money for AFA.
“Seeing these kids get involved like this blesses my heart,” said Amy Compston, the face behind the AFA organization. “We are so honored that they would reach out and help us like they have. We have a very generous community and that generosity that starts with the adults is now showing through the children. We are also thankful for Christian school leaders who want to see our children be involved in causes that are bigger than them.”