
Day 2: AFA Medical Mission to Moyo

By |May 19th, 2016|

Amy in front of the Nile River[youtube height="HEIGHT" width="WIDTH"]PLACE_LINK_HERE[/youtube] Day 2 The tough part is over. We have arrived in Moyo, making it on the last ferry ride across the Nile River for the day. After crossing the Nile it was only about a 30-minute ride to our destination. [...]

Chris Compston competes in Boston 5K

By |April 16th, 2016|

Chris Compston finishing the Boston 5K on Saturday. BOSTON — Amy For Africa runner Chris Compston competed in the Boston 5K on Saturday morning and finished in a time of 22 minutes and 24 seconds. While it was far off his PR it was still an outstanding time [...]

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