When is the last time the superintendent of the school where your children attend came knocking on your door?


For the past three days in Uganda, Amy Compston has gone door to door – make that hut to hut – visiting the parents of every school in the Amy For Africa Christian Academy. She has literally walked the journey because, in most of these villages in the bush, there is no road but only a narrow path.

Yet she chooses to take the path less traveled anyway because it’s part of the journey God has chosen for her.

Amy isn’t the superintendent of the AFA Christian Academy, she’s the founder, and the face behind the Amy For Africa mission that has been serving in Uganda the past 7 ½ years.

Amy goes knocking with one hand and clutching the Bible in the other because she intends to turn these visits into gospel conversations, too. Oh, she talks to the parents of the students, making sure their child is getting the high-quality education that AFA has promised (and without any cost). And, if there were an issue, she wants to hear about it so it will be fixed. But she also talks to them about Jesus.

Her mission – the mission of AFA – goes way beyond providing education for children in Uganda. That’s a big one for us and one of the reasons why we are in the process of building a $1.1 million school that will be the pride of that part of Uganda. It will also be a place where Jesus name is always welcome and praised. That is the hope that comes with the AFA Christian Academy.

The greatest hope – and only hope – comes with the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Our school is smack-dab in the middle of a mostly Muslim-influenced area. They need to hear about Jesus, what He did for them, and how giving your heart to Him has an eternal destination.

And that’s why Amy Compston, with young son Jarek in tow, is going door to door in Uganda this week visiting, sharing and praying with families. She often comes away heartbroken because of the living conditions that she witnesses, but she holds back her tears for later. The household lights up when they see her because, to them, she represents hope.

Amy tells them she’s not the hope, but she knows someone who provides her hope and she can introduce Him to them. A typical visit lasts only a few minutes, she said, but it could well be the most important few minutes in the lives of these Ugandan villagers. It could be the day they met Jesus.

People ask us all the time why are we doing this work in Uganda when there are so many needs at home? Our answer is that’s what God has directed us to do. You go do what God has directed you to do.

It’s also because everybody deserves to know Jesus and AFA may be the only voice that shouts His name to many of these people in Uganda. Few shout it any louder than Amy Compston.

Pray for Amy as her journey continues every day both in Uganda and here at home.
