A place of hope sits on a downhill property near the Nile River
Amy Compston dances with Lifepoint Church members at Sunday's music gala, By MARK MAYNARD / Amy For Africa NJERU, Uganda – With the sun going down on us, we wrapped up an outdoor music gala filled with praise, worship and fun on Sunday, the last “working” day of [...]
A graduation party like you’ve never seen before
Amy with Pastor Cyprian at the graduation ceremony on Saturday. By MARK MAYNARD / Amy For Africa NJERU, Uganda – In what may have been the grandest kindergarten graduation ever - and that’s not overstating the case by much - the El-Shaddai Primary and Nursery School put on [...]
Taking Jesus door-to-door through the villages in Njeru
This Ugandan woman was crying out to God for help during our door-to-door evangelism on Friday. By MARK MAYNARD / Amy For Africa NJERU, Uganda – Amy For Africa experienced door-to-door Ugandan evangelism on Friday. Ten Muzungus followed the lead of Pastor Cyprian Ilukol through the villages near [...]
Moses guides mission team on Ugandan streets
Moses Waiswa, the AFA bus driver, unloads duffel bags from the roof of a van Tuesday. (Rob Barber photo) By MARK MAYNARD / Amy For Africa JINJA, Uganda – Moses has been guiding the Amy For Africa mission team since our arrival in Uganda. We couldn’t be in [...]
Dance party erupts at the end of a beautiful day
Amy Compston and the AFA team was greeted with clapping and cheers. By MARK MAYNARD / Amy For Africa ISHAKA, Uganda – After serving up some 650 meals, passing out 360 gifts and watching and participating in a 5½-hour Ugandan school showcase program, what did Chris and Amy [...]
Prayer sustains during long journey in ‘Mystery Machine’
Pastor Blazio and Amy Compston in Ashaka. By MARK MAYNARD / Amy For Africa ASHAKA, Uganda – The alarm went off at 4:15 a.m. like a gong. A journey from Jinja to Ashaka was 45 minutes from starting. This mission trip is not about comfort, as Amy Compston [...]